пятница, 17 октября 2008 г.

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No, I�donapos;t mean his reviewing skills, thatapos;s beyond the point. Iapos;m simple talking about this:


Specifically, this line:

"But as good as a couple of its action beats are, Max still suffers from the heartlessness that makes games emotionally inferior to movies. Nobody ever shed a tear over a video-game characterapos;s death."

Really now?

I mean, Iapos;m not saying that Iapos;ve ever cried over a fictional death (ironically, the only watchable thing Iapos;ve ever cried over was an episode of 30 Days and Flowers for Algernon, of all things, both of which did not include deaths, real or otherwise). And itapos;s not to say that people necessarily cry over video game deaths, although a walk down memory lane to FFVII�would make you think gamers are passionate fools.

My beef is with the implications that video games have no emotional connection to a story, which simply is not true. Even a simple game like Super Mario Galaxy implies an emotional connection through the backstory of Rosalina. Even the relatively heartless backstories of games like Grand Theft Auto carries with them loads of emotional baggage. Who can say they werenapos;t pissed when Lance Vance betrayed them? Who can say that they didnapos;t feel for CJapos;s lot in life?

The obvious distinction to make here is the differentiation between the enemies that you know are "available"�for killing and the characters you know arenapos;t. This is why Aerisapos;s death was so shocking; she died, and deaths have happened to major protagonistic characters in RPGs before, but there was no way to bring her back, i.e. Her death was permanent, something which wasnapos;t really done in the context of videogames at the time. This is also what makes your emotional investments in Fire Emblem much more poignant, because your allies can actually die and the game continues without them, making their loss permanent. This is also exactly why Bioshock sucks balls, because you canapos;t even make an emotional connection with the main characters because he can die at any time and come right the fuck back.

I mean, Iapos;m not saying that every game attempts to make an emotional connection with the player, not even that every game that tries to do so does it well. But then again, a lot of shitty films donapos;t either, so I�donapos;t understand where Roger Moore gets off saying stupid shit like this.

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