понедельник, 20 октября 2008 г.

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Genki desu ka?�
watashi wa genki desu

Its a new start I guess you can say.� S got a girl and now its not as awkward to think and talk about him as he has a gf now.� I think its a good thing though.� Although I feel much better abotu being friends with him, I guess its like this songapos;s lyric:
Ima mo kono sora no shita tsunagatte iru to
Even now underneath this sky, I am still connected to you.� Thats roughly what it means.� Its basically the same thing.� No matter what walk of life we are at or what path we are both on, I know that there is something there that will never be broken, a connection that is not formed by love/like or feelings, but just by the past.� I think its just because weapos;ve always been friends, even under the circumstances that have occured.� I just hope that in the future weapos;ll still be able to be friends.� I mean right now its only slightly awkward.� When I walked by them for the first time, for some reason I felt a strange tugging on my heart.� No, I wouldnapos;t describe it as jealousy, nor envy.� For some reason it just felt like my heart jumped or something.� I think although I no longer have feelings for him, I still get some sort of reaction from that.� And for some reason, it feels like since he got a gf, hes become closer to me in a werid way.� Not in a way where its awkward, its just in a way where I think just because we are both on the same page right now.� Well Iapos;m going to go do some productive work now.� Just had to get that off my chest.

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By John Mullin

The Bears' run of misfortune in the secondary continued in Sunday's win as rookie defensive back Zackary Bowman, whose interception sealed the win over Minnesota, suffered a biceps that will require surgery and could end his season after just one game.

Bowman, who also scored his first NFL points by recovering a muffed punt in the end zone, will undergo surgery before the Bears' Nov. 2 game against the Detroit Lions. The rookie put on an impromptu demonstration of toughness by going back in the game after a head injury to cornerback Corey Graham and making the Bears' fourth interception of the game.

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воскресенье, 19 октября 2008 г.

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I live on W Pacemont and my house has been adopted by a cat for the last few days. Sheapos;s fluffy, looks like the cat all the way on the right in this pic

She far too fat and nice to be a stray/feral, plus her coat is in too good shape (no mats, and her hair is thick and obscenely fluffy). She loooooves cuddling and being picked up. I donapos;t know if sheapos;s a runaway or just an outdoor cat that likes to shack up in other peopleapos;s houses.

anyone know of a missing cat that fits this description?

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When winter hits there's one area that we often wish was
Warmer than it is. That's the garage and if you have a detached version that
Houses your vehicles you may want to consider looking at garage heaters. These
Can not only make the air in the building warmer and more comfortable but it can
Actually help when it comes to warming up the car or truck in the

A furnace is typically what most of us think of when we think of
Heating our home or garage. For homes that have an attached garage, this is
Typically the route they'll go. In most cases for those considering using home
Furnaces as garage heaters it involves having the garage fitted for heating
Ducts. This should be done by a professional to ensure it's done safely.

If you don't want to go to that much trouble or you do indeed have a
Detached garage there are many garage heaters that will work for you. The prices
And sizes range and typically your first consideration when looking for one
Should be the size of the space you will be heating. Most garage heaters are
Designed to heat upwards of a 500 sq ft space, which is more than adequate for a
Typical garage.

Electric is the easiest to use and doesn't require any
Special installation techniques. These can be used as soon as they are
Purchased. When you buy electric garage heaters pay close attention to their
Energy requirements. You must know the wiring specifications of your garage
Before you purchase one of the garage heaters. Buying one not designed for your
Wiring system could be a safety hazard.

Most models come with two
Different heat settings. This is typical of almost every portable heater that
You can purchase regardless if it's designed for home or garage use. Many of the
Garage heaters that are available can heat a standard two-car garage in about an
Hour when placed on the high setting. If you are going to be out in the garage
Changing the car's oil or working on a project, you can go out early, turn on
The heater and the space will be warm once you are ready to begin.

May be concerned with the safety issues of having a heater running in a spot
Where flammables, including gasoline are held. Electric garage heaters are
Incredibly safe to use and as long as they are placed in a spot that is free of
Debris or anything that can catch fire, they are fine to use. It's not advisable
That you leave garage heaters plugged in for days on end, but if you want to
Warm the garage before you leave in the morning, run out, plug it in and then
Shower and eat breakfast. By the time you are ready to go, the cold chill will
Be taken out of the garage, making it much easier to get yourself and your car

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Tein l�ksyt, keitin teet�. Asiat hyppysiss� hallinnassa. Mukava tunne aina. Jotenkin tekee mieli blogata.

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суббота, 18 октября 2008 г.


XD I wonder if thereapos;s much we should accomplish with this party? I thought it would be a nice scene for us to get back in the groove

SORRY to Stormer Kimber will most definitely reply. Question: Is the crossed out section of the letter legible at all? Would she be able to make it out, you think? Or was it just a stray thought Stormer had that sheapos;s keeping private?

Also, with Halloweapos;en around the corner I was wondering if we should be doing anything special for that. ;3 Itapos;s my favourite not-holiday. X3 You should see my house. O_O; Christmas doesnapos;t even compare

I noticed we acquired an icon Itapos;s lovely :D

P.S. Iapos;m having so much fun with you guys. <3 Iapos;ve never loved an RP this much; you guys really make me happy to be involved ^_^
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пятница, 17 октября 2008 г.

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No, I�donapos;t mean his reviewing skills, thatapos;s beyond the point. Iapos;m simple talking about this:


Specifically, this line:

"But as good as a couple of its action beats are, Max still suffers from the heartlessness that makes games emotionally inferior to movies. Nobody ever shed a tear over a video-game characterapos;s death."

Really now?

I mean, Iapos;m not saying that Iapos;ve ever cried over a fictional death (ironically, the only watchable thing Iapos;ve ever cried over was an episode of 30 Days and Flowers for Algernon, of all things, both of which did not include deaths, real or otherwise). And itapos;s not to say that people necessarily cry over video game deaths, although a walk down memory lane to FFVII�would make you think gamers are passionate fools.

My beef is with the implications that video games have no emotional connection to a story, which simply is not true. Even a simple game like Super Mario Galaxy implies an emotional connection through the backstory of Rosalina. Even the relatively heartless backstories of games like Grand Theft Auto carries with them loads of emotional baggage. Who can say they werenapos;t pissed when Lance Vance betrayed them? Who can say that they didnapos;t feel for CJapos;s lot in life?

The obvious distinction to make here is the differentiation between the enemies that you know are "available"�for killing and the characters you know arenapos;t. This is why Aerisapos;s death was so shocking; she died, and deaths have happened to major protagonistic characters in RPGs before, but there was no way to bring her back, i.e. Her death was permanent, something which wasnapos;t really done in the context of videogames at the time. This is also what makes your emotional investments in Fire Emblem much more poignant, because your allies can actually die and the game continues without them, making their loss permanent. This is also exactly why Bioshock sucks balls, because you canapos;t even make an emotional connection with the main characters because he can die at any time and come right the fuck back.

I mean, Iapos;m not saying that every game attempts to make an emotional connection with the player, not even that every game that tries to do so does it well. But then again, a lot of shitty films donapos;t either, so I�donapos;t understand where Roger Moore gets off saying stupid shit like this.

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Was the best memory I had as a child.
Now that I think about it.

I remember going there. They had that purple neon sign with the wizard by it.
And it was all dim inside, the back totally dark where the gamers played, and Iapos;d play with all the cool dice and nerdy stuff.
I totally remember it.
Iapos;d spend my allowance buying Pokemon cards whenever I went, back when I actually liked to play in the tournaments and the rules were more simplistic.
It gives me a warm feeling thinking about it, I miss it.

I wish we still had wizards of the coast.
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